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  1. Hadron Spectroscopy (Light and Heavy Quarks, Glueballs, Exotics)
  2. Soft Interaction Processes (including diffraction, two-photon, small x)
  3. Hard Interactions (High Q2 : DIS, Jet, Perturbative QCD)
  4. High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions
  5. Tests of the Electroweak Gauge Theory
  6. Light Flavor Physics (Kaon, Muon )
  7. Heavy Flavor Physics (Charm, Bottom, Top and Tau)
  8. Neutrino Physics
  9. Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (excluding Neutrino)
  10. Beyond the Standard Model (Theory)
  11. Search for New Particles and New Phenomena
  12. New Detectors and Techniques
  13. Future Accelerators
  14. Lattice Field Theory
  15. Field Theory
  16. Superstring Theory

Last Updated  on  Sep. 08, 2000