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PA-15 Field Theory

There are 35 abstracts for this session.

50. Fate of Chiral Symmetries in Supersymmetric Quantum Chromodynamics

Supersymmetric quantum chromodynamics for $N_f$-flavors and $N_c$-colors is shown to exhibit spontaneously broken chiral symmetries with $SU(N_c)_{L+R}\times SU(N_f-N_c)_L\times SU(N_f-N_c)_R$ for $N_f\geq N_c+2$. Dynamically generated Nambu-Goldstone superfields automatically take care of the anomaly-matching. Low-energy effective superpotential constructed by mesons and baryons is found to possess holomorphic decoupling property and to yield consistent result with instanton effects.

Authors:Yasuharu Honda and Masaki Yasue
Proposed speaker: Masaki Yasue
Contact person:Masaki Yasue (Tokai Univ.), yasue@keyaki.cc.u-tokai.ac.jp

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: Physics Letters B 466 (1999) 244-250 (hep-th/9909193).


59. Auxiliary Field Formulation of Supersymmetric Nonlinear Sigma Models

Low-energy dynamics of supersymmetric theories aredescribed by supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models. Supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models are obtained from linear sigma models by imposing supersymmetric constraints. If we introduce auxiliary chiral and vector superfields, these constraints can be expressed by D-terms and F-terms depending on the target manifolds. Auxiliary vector superfields appear as gauge fields without kinetic terms. If there are no D-term constraints, the target manifolds are always non-compact manifolds. When all the degrees of freedom in these non-compact directions are eliminated by gauge symmetries, the target manifold becomes compact. All supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models, whose target manifolds are the hermitian symmetric spaces, are successfully formulated as gauge theories. Moreover, we justify the elimination of auxilialy fields by using their equations of motion in the path integral formalism, and prove the uniquness of the Kahler potentials.

Authors:Muneto Nitta and Kiyoshi Higashijima
Proposed speaker: Muneto Nitta
Contact person:Muneto Nitta (Osaka Univ.), nitta@het.phys.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: K.Higashijima and M.Nitta, "Supersymmetric Nonlinear Sigma Models as Gauge Theories", to appear in Prog. Theor. Phys. 103 (2000), hep-th/9911139; "Quantum Equivalence of Auxiliary Field Methods in Supersymmetric Theories", to appear in Prog. Theor. Phys. 103 (2000), hep-th/9911225.



The light-front (LF) quantization of QCD in covariant gauge is discussed following the Dirac procedure. The propagator of the dynamical $\psi_+$ part of the free fermionic propagator is shown to be causal and not to contain instantaneous terms as found in the previous works. All of the propagators in the framework are shown causal. The rotational invariance can be recovered and even the Wick rotation may be performed allowing us to use momentum space integrals in Euclidean space and dimensional regularization. LF quantization is shown to lead to consistent formulation of gauge theory, despite the fact that the hyperplanes $x^{\pm}=0$ constitute characteristic surfaces of a hyperbolic partial differential equation.

Authors:Prem P. Srivastava and Stanley J. Brodsky
Proposed speaker: Prem P. Srivastava
Contact person:Prem P. Srivastava (UERJ- Univ. do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), prem@uerj.br or prem@lafex.cbpf.br

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: - P.P. Srivastava and S.J. Brodsky, Phys. Rev. D61, 025013 (2000); hep-ph/9906423 - P.P. Srivastava, Perspectives of LF quantized field theory: Some new results, Slac preprint SLAC-PUB-8219, August 1999; hep-ph/9908492 - P.P. Srivastava, Phys. Lett. B448, 68 (1999); hep-th/9811225

Notes:P.P. Srivastava and S.J. Brodsky, Light-front quantized QCD in light-cone gauge revisited, in preparation. To be submitted latter.

203. Massive Ghosts in Softly Broken SUSY Gauge Theories

It is shown that soft supersymmetry breaking in gauge theories within the superfield formalism leads to appearance of the mass for the auxiliary gauge fields. It enters the RG equations for the soft masses of physical scalar particles and can be eliminated by solving its own RG equation. Explicit solutions up to three loop order in general case and in the MSSM are given. The arbitrariness in the choice of initial condition is discussed. The presence of extra trace terms in abelian case is explained.

Authors: D.I.Kazakov and V.N.Velizhanin
Proposed speaker: D.Kazakov
Contact person:Dmitri Kazakov (JINR), kazakovd@thsun1.jinr.ru

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers:


273. Chamseddine, Fr$\ddot{o}$hlich, Grandjean Metric and Localized Higgs Coupling on Noncommutative Geometry

We propose a geometrized Higgs mechanism based on the gravitational sector in the Connes-Lott formulation of the standard model, which has been constructed by Chamseddine, Fr$\ddot{o}$hlic, Grandjean. The point of our idea is that Higgs-like couplings depend on the local coordinates of the four dimensional continuum, $M_4$. The localized couplings can be calculated by the Wilson loops of the $U(1)_{EM}$ gauge field and the connection, which is defined on $Z_2\times{M_4}$.

Authors:Rie Kuriki and Akio Sugamoto
Proposed speaker: Rie Kuriki
Contact person:Rie Kuriki (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)), rkuriki@ccthmail.kek.jp

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: arXiv:hep-th/0004127


351. Thermal forward scattering amplitudes in temporal gauges

We employ the thermal forward scattering amplitudes technique in order to compute the gluon self-energy in a class of temporal gauges. The leading T^2 and the sub-leading ln(T) contributions are obtained for temperatures high compared with the external momentum. The logarithmic contributions have the same structure as the ultraviolet pole terms which occur at zero temperature. We also show that the prescription poles, characteristic of temporal gauges, do not modify the leading and sub-leading high-temperature behavior.

Authors:F. T. Brandt, J. Frenkel and F. R. Machado
Proposed speaker: F. T. Brandt
Contact person:Fernando T Brandt (Univ. de Sao Paulo), fbrandt@usp.br

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory /

Supporting papers: hep-th/9910027 (to appear in Phys. Rev. D)


374. An Exact Solution of the Randall-Sundrum Model and the Mass Hierarchy Problem

An exact solution of the Randall-Sundrum model for a simplified case (one wall) is obtained. It is given by the $1/k^2$-expansion (thin wall expansion) where $1/k$ is the thickness of the domain wall. The vacuum setting is done by the 5D Higgs potential and the solution is for a family of the Higgs parameters. The mass hierarchy problem is examined. Some physical quantities in 4D world such as the Planck mass, the cosmological constant, and fermion masses are focussed. Similarity to the domain wall regularization used in the chiral fermion problem is pointed out. We propose and examine the possibility that the 4D massless chiral fermion bound to the domain wall in the 5D world can be regarded as the real 4D fermions such as neutrinos, quarks and other leptons.

Authors:Shoichi ICHINOSE
Proposed speaker: Shoichi ICHINOSE
Contact person:Gary W Gibbons (Cambridge Univ.), G.W.Gibbons@damtp.cam.ac.uk

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: hep-th/0003275


426. On effects of Hopf term in relativistic and non relativistic non linear sigma models

We study the symplectic structure of several variants of both the relativistic as well as nonrelativistic nonlinear sigma model coupled to the Hopf term. Our goal is to investigate the existence of solitonic configurations and fractional spin in these models. For the case of the relativistic $CP^1$ model coupled to the Hopf term we find that no fractional spin is generated at the classical level unless the model is altered by a time-dependent identity in the radiation gauge. We also consider a gauged $CP^1$ model obtained by gauging the global SU(2) group and construct the corresponding Hopf term. This model admits a new type of solitonic configuration which cannot be characterised by the second Homotopy group. The fractional spin in this model has contributions from this new soliton number, as well as the SU(2) noether charges. Finally we consider the Landau-Lifshitz model described by the gauged nonrelativistic $CP^1$ model. We find through the derivation of Bogomolnyi-type bounds that this model admits topological solitons provided a triplet of background scalar fields are added.

Authors:B. Chakraborty and A. S. Majumdar
Proposed speaker: B. Chakraborty
Contact person:Biswajit Chakraborty (S. N. Bose national Centre for Basic Sciences), biswajit@boson.bose.res.in

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: 1. B.Chakraborty and A.S.Majumdar,(1998), `` Hamiltonian Analysis of the gauged $CP^1$ model, the Hopf term and Fractional Spin",{\it Phys.Rev.D}, {\bf 58}, 125024. 2. B. Chakraborty and A.S. majumdar ,(1999), ``On Fractional Spin in the $CP^1$ model coupled to the Hopf term"; {\it Acta.Phys.Pol.B},{\bf 30}, 247. 3. B.Chakraborty and A.S. Majumdar, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A{\bf 14}(1999) 1561 4. B. Chakraborty and A.S. Majumdar Phys. Rev. D{\bf 61}(2000) 027702


429. On effects of Hopf term in relativistic and non relativistic non linear sigma models

We study the symplectic structure of several variants of both the relativistic as well as nonrelativistic nonlinear sigma model coupled to the Hopf term. Our goal is to investigate the existence of solitonic configurations and fractional spin in these models. For the case of the relativistic $CP^1$ model coupled to the Hopf term we find that no fractional spin is generated at the classical level unless the model is altered by a time-dependent identity in the radiation gauge. We also consider a gauged $CP^1$ model obtained by gauging the global SU(2) group and construct the corresponding Hopf term. This model admits a new type of solitonic configuration which cannot be characterised by the second Homotopy group. The fractional spin in this model has contributions from this new soliton number, as well as the SU(2) noether charges. Finally we consider the Landau-Lifshitz model described by the gauged nonrelativistic $CP^1$ model. We find through the derivation of Bogomolnyi-type bounds that this model admits topological solitons provided a triplet of background scalar fields are added.

Authors:B. Chakraborty and A. S. Majumdar
Proposed speaker: B. Chakraborty
Contact person:Rabin Banerjee (S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences), rabin@boson.bose.res.in

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: 1. B. Chakraborty and A. S. Majumdar, Phys.Rev.D 58, 125024 (1998). 2. B.Chakraborty and A. S. Majumdar, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 14, 1561 (1999). 3. B. Chakraborty and A. S. Majumdar, Phys. Rev. D 61, 027702 (2000).


430. On Energy-Momentum Tensors of Gravitational Field

We consider the phenomenological approach to gravitation in which each graviton interacts with conserved energy-momentum tensor of two other gravitons. The gravitational energy-momentum tensor can be choosen in such a way that the perihelion precession of a nonrelativistic planet will be the same as in general rellativity, but relativistic particle should move differently ( in $G^2$ approximation) . This approach apparently determines the gravitational energy-momentum tensor uniquely.

Proposed speaker: A.I.Nikishov
Contact person:Anatoly I. Nikishov (Lebedev Physical Institute), nikishov@lpi.ru

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: A.I.Nikishov, gr-qc/9912034


442. Stochastic Quantization of Bottomless Systems: Stationary Quantities in a Diffusive Process

It remains an unsettled question in quantum field theory how to deal with unbounded systems such as Einstein gravity. By making use of the kernel-degree of freedom unique to the stochastic quantization method of Parisi and Wu, it has been shown to be possible to stabilize bottomless systems and to realize the Feynman measure exp(-S) although it is not the thermal equilibrium distribution contrary to usual situations for bounded systems. Even in this diffusive process, it is shown in this talk that one can find stationary quantities, which we expect to be sensible quantities in this treatment.

Authors:Kazuya Yuasa and Hiromichi Nakazato
Proposed speaker: Kazuya Yuasa
Contact person:Kazuya Yuasa (Waseda University), yuasa@hep.phys.waseda.ac.jp

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory /

Supporting papers: Kazuya Yuasa and Hiromichi Nakazato, "Stochastic Quantization of Bottomless Systems: Stationary Quantities in a Diffusive Process", Prog. Theor. Phys. 102 (1999) 719-727.


494. Abelian dominance in low-energy gluodynamics due to dynamical mass generation

We show that off-diagonal gluons and off-diagonal ghosts acquire their masses dynamically in QCD if the maximal Abelian gauge is adopted. This result strongly supports the Abelian dominance in low-energy region of QCD. The mass generation is shown to occur due to ghost-anti-ghost condensation caused by attractive quartic ghost interactions. In fact, the quartic ghost interaction is indispensable for the renormalizability due to nonlinearity of the maximal Abelian gauge. The ghost-anti-ghost condensation is associated with the spontaneous breaking of global $SL(2,R)$ symmetry. Moreover we write down a new extended BRS algebra in the maximal Abelian gauge. Finally, we argue that the mass generation may be related to the spontaneous breaking of a supersymmetry $OSp(4|2)$ hidden in the maximal Abelian gauge.

Authors:Kei-Ichi Kondo and Toru Shinohara
Proposed speaker: K.-I. Kondo
Contact person:Kei-Ichi Kondo (Chiba University), kondo@cuphd.nd.chiba-u.ac.jp

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: hep-th/0004158


507. Symmetry Breaking/Restoration in a Non-simply Connected Spacetime

We study field theories compactified on $M^{D-1}\otimes S^1$, which in general allows to impose twisted boundary conditions for the $S^1$-direction. It is shown that one of characteristic features of such theories is the appearance of a critical radius of $S^1$, at which some of symmetries are broken/restored. Another characteristic features is the spontaneous breakdown of the translational invariance for the S^1-direction. The $O(N)$ $\phi^4$ model is extensively studied and the novel phase structure is revealed.

Authors:Hisaki Hatanaka, Katsuhiko Ohnishi and Makoto Sakamoto
Proposed speaker: Makoto Sakamoto
Contact person:Makoto Sakamoto (Kobe University), sakamoto@phys.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers:


508. multi instanton calculus in supersymmetric theories

The results obtained by Seiberg and Witten for the low-energy Wilsonian effective actions of N=2 supersymmetric theories with gauge group SU(2) are in agreement with instanton computations carried out for winding numbers one and two. This suggests that the instanton saddle point saturates the non-perturbative contribution to the functional integral. A natural framework in which corrections to this approximation are absent is given by the topological field theory built out of the N=2 Super Yang-Mills theory. As a consequence, instanton-dominated Green's functions in N=2 Super Yang-Mills can be equivalently computed either using the constrained instanton method or making reference to the topological twisted version of the theory. Explicit computations support this scenario.

Authors:Diego Bellisai, Francesco Fucito, Alessandro Tanzini, Gabriele Travaglini
Proposed speaker: f.fucito
Contact person:Kenichi KONISHI (Univ. of Washington), konishi@phys.washington.edu

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory /

Supporting papers: hep-th/0002110 ,hep-th/0003272


518. A New Mechanism of Spontaneous SUSY Breaking

We propose a new mechanism of spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. The existence of extra dimensions with nontrivial topology plays an important role. We investigate new features resulted from the mechanism in two simple supersymmetric Z_2 and U(1) models. One of remarkable features is that thre exists a phase in which the translational invariance for the compactified directions is broken spontaneously, accompanying the breakdown of the supersymmetry. The Nambu-Goldstone bosons (fermions) associated with breakdown of symmetries are found in the mass spectrum.

Authors:Makoto Sakmoto, Motoi Tachibana and Kazunori Takenaga
Proposed speaker: Motoi Tachibana
Contact person:Motoi Tachibana (), motoi@yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-17 Particle Physics and Cosmology

Supporting papers:


532. Interacting, local, para-supersymmetric quantum field theories

The condition of weak locality at the Hamiltonian level is shown to significantly constrain possible interacting, para-supersymmetric quantum field theories. This is first shown for order p=3 parafields assuming the usual N=1 space-time supersymmetric algebra ( Type-I para-SUSY ). The analysis is then extended to local Type-II para-SUSY theories in which the spinor charges, constructed from the parafields, satisfy instead trilinear parfermi commutation relations. Hybrid, local theories with both p=3 and p=1 parafields are next studied because of their greater physical interest.

Authors:Sicong Jing and Charles A. Nelson
Proposed speaker: Charles A. Nelson
Contact person:Charles A. Nelson (SUNY at Binghamton), cnelson@binghamton.edu

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers:


571. Towards the canonical formulation of the N = 3 supergravity in terms of the Ashtekar variable

We reconstruct the Ashtekar's canonical formulation of N = 2 supergravity (SUGRA) starting from the N = 2 chiral Lagrangian derived by closely following the method employed in the usual SUGRA. In order to get the full graded algebra of the Gauss, U(1) gauge and right-handed supersymmetry (SUSY) constraints, we extend the internal, global O(2) invariance to local one by introducing a cosmological constant to the chiral Lagrangian. The resultant Lagrangian does not contain any auxiliary fields in contrast with the 2-form SUGRA and the SUSY transformation parameters are not constrained at all. We derive the canonical formulation of the N = 2 theory in such a manner as the relation with the usual SUGRA be explicit at least in classical level, and show that the algebra of the Gauss, U(1) gauge and right-handed SUSY constraints form the graded algebra, G^2SU(2)(Osp(2,2)). Furthermore, we introduce the graded variables associated with the G^2SU(2)(Osp(2,2)) algebra and we rewrite the canonical constraints in a simple form in terms of these variables. We quantize the theory in the graded-connection representation and discuss the solutions of quantum constraints. In addition we try to extend the above work to the N = 3 theory.

Authors:Motomu Tsuda and Takeshi Shirafuji
Proposed speaker: Motomu Tsuda
Contact person:Motomu Tsuda (Saitama Institute of Technology), tsuda@sit.ac.jp

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: ``The canonical formulation of N = 2 supergravity in terms of the Ashtekar variable" (gr-qc/0003010)


660. Lepton Transmutations from a Rotating Mass Matrix

Fermion mass matrices generally rotate in generation space under scale changes, which can lead to fermions of different generations transmuting into one another. The effect is examined in detail and its cross-section calculated for $\gamma + l_\alpha \longrightarrow \gamma + l_\beta$ with $l_\alpha \neq l_\beta$ the charged leptons $e, \mu$, or $\tau$. For the (conventional) Standard Model, this is weak and probably undetectable, though with some notable exceptions. But for the Dualized Standard Model, which we advocate and have already used quite successfully to explain quark mixing and neutrino oscillation, the effect is larger and could be observable.

Authors:TSOU Sheung Tsun, Jose BORDES, CHAN Hong-Mo
Proposed speaker: TSOU Sheung Tsun
Contact person:Sheung Tsun Tsou (Oxford University), tsou@maths.ox.ac.uk

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: Phys Rev D57 (1998) 2507 hep-th/9701120; Europ Phys J C10 (1999) 63 hep-ph/9901440


697. Einstein-Yang-Mills monopoles and dyons

In the Einstein-Yang-Mills theory in asymptotically anti-de Sitter space there exist a continuum of stable monopole and dyon solutions. They are regular everywhere and specified with their mass, and non-Abelian electric and magnetic charges. The moduli space of the solutions exhibits a fractal structure as the cosmological constant approaches zero. The mass and size of monopoles are expressed in terms of universal functions of the magnetic charges, independent of the values of the cosmological constant and gauge coupling constant. Unstable solutions can be viewed as the Bartnik-McKinnon solutions dressed with monopole and dyon solutions in the fixed AdS space.

Authors:Yutaka Hosotani
Proposed speaker: Yutaka Hosotani
Contact person:Yutaka Hosotani (University of Minnesota), yutaka@hep.umn.edu

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: 1. J. Bjoraker and Y. Hosotani, Phys. Rev. Letters 84 (2000) 1853, gr-qc/9906091 2. J. Bjoraker and Y. Hosotani, hep-th/0002098. Accepted for Phys. Rev. D. 3. Y. Hosotani, "Scaling Laws in the Einstein-Yang-Mills Monopoles and Dyons" in preparation.


701. Power Corrections in Short-Distance Cross Sections

Nonperturbative corrections to short distance observables in asymptotically free theories can be inferred from the infrared behavior of their perturbative expansions at high orders. We discuss a method for relating nonperturbative power corrections in hard scales to nonlocal operators in field theory. The method does not rely on a specific model for the perturbative running coupling. We derive a variety of experimental consequences and universality properties relating lepton-pair and hadronic cross sections for QCD.

Authors:G.P. Korchemsky, E. Laenen, G. Sterman, W. Vogelsang
Proposed speaker: G. Sterman
Contact person:George F. Sterman (SUNY Stony Brook), sterman@insti.physics.sunysb.edu

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers:


751. Effective Couplings of Dynamical Nambu-Goldstone Bosons with Elementary Fermions

Assuming dynamical breakdown of chiral symmetry for massless gauge theory without scalar fields, we find a method how to construct an effective action of the dynamical Nambu-Goldstone bosons and elemetary fermions by using auxiliary fields. Assuming also that bilocal, auxiliary scalar fields can be decomposed into a product of two local wave functions, one for internal degrees of freedom and another for the total motion, we can succeed in proving masslessness of the NG boson, reproduce a Pagels-Stokar formula for a decay constant, and derive a new formula for mass of a physical, dynamical Higgs particle.

Authors:Takayuki Matsuki and Masashi Shiotani
Proposed speaker: Takayuki Matsuki
Contact person:Takayuki Matsuki (Tokyo Kasei University), matsuki@tokyo-kasei.ac.jp

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: hep-th/9909165 to be published in Modern Physics Letters A.


758. Can CPT violated Through Extended Time Reversal?

It is shown that the extension of time reversal either through group extension of time reversal by internal groups or through the way proposed by Wigner and later extended S. Weinberg provides the possibility of violation of CPT in the context of field theory.

Authors:Recai Erdem and Unal Ufuktepe
Proposed speaker: Recai Erdem
Contact person:Recai Erdem (Izmir Institute of Technology), erdem@likya.iyte.edu.tr

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory /

Supporting papers:


765. Convergent schemes for the variationally improved perturbative expansion in asymptotically free theories with dynamical symmetry breaking .

A physically motivated fixed-point condition, imposed on the renormalization group evolution of parameters in a generic asymptotically free theory, can transmute the usual perturbative expansions into expansions in $(\hat m/\Lambda)^\alpha$, where $\hat m$ is the scheme-invariant mass, $\Lambda$ the basic scale and the model-dependent power $\alpha$ is given by renormalization group coefficients. This alternative expansion can moreover be "variationally improved", when combined with an appropriate form of the delta-expansion. We investigate under which conditions it could be convergent, at least in some particular renormalization schemes. We also examine the fate of infrared renormalon singularities, present in the original ordinary perturbative expansion.

Authors:J.-L. Kneur and D. Reynaud
Proposed speaker: J.-L. Kneur
Contact person:Jean-Loic Kneur (), kneur@lpm.univ-montp2.fr

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers:

Notes:NB: this is an extension based on some of my past works (hep-th/9511101, hep-ph/9609265,..), with recent developments and fresh results obtained with my PhD student, which we hope to have in preprint form soon.

776. Dynamics of Multiparticle Systems with non - Abelian Symmetry

We consider the dynamics governing the evolution of a many body system constrained by an nonabelian local symmetry. We obtain explicit forms of the global macroscopic condition assuring that at the microscopic level the evolution respects the overall symmetry constraint. We demonstrate the constraint mechanisms for the case of SU(2) system comprising particles in fundamental, and adjoint representations (`nucleons' and `pions').

Authors:Ludwik Turko and Jan Rafelski
Proposed speaker: L. Turko
Contact person:Ludwik Turko (University of Wroclaw), turko@ift.uni.wroc.pl

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-15 High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions

Supporting papers:


788. Quantum Field Theory on Noncommutative Space-Times and the Persistence of Ultraviolet Divergences

We study properties of a scalar quantum field theory on two-dimensional noncommutative space-times. Contrary to the common belief that noncommutativity of space-time would be a key to remove the ultraviolet divergences, we show that field theories on a noncommutative plane with the most natural Heisenberg-like commutation relations among coordinates or even on a noncommutative quantum plane with $E_q(2)$-symmetry have ultraviolet divergences, while the theory on a noncommutative cylinder is ultraviolet finite. Thus, ultraviolet behaviour of a field theory on noncommutative spaces is sensitive to the topology of the space-time, namely to its compactness. We present general arguments for the case of higher space-time dimensions and as well discuss the symmetry transformations of physical states on noncommutative space-times.

Authors:M. Chaichian (University of Helsinki), A. Demichev (Moscow State University) and P. Presnajder (Comenius University, Bratislava)
Proposed speaker:
Contact person:Masud Chaichian (University of Helsinki), masud.chaichian@helsinki.fi

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: M. Chaichian, A. Demichev and P. Presnajder, Nucl. Phys. B567 (2000) 360; M. Chaichian, A. Demichev and P. Presnajder, J. Math. Phys. 41 (2000) 1647


808. Confinement and Flavor Symmetry Breaking via Monopole Condensation

Seiberg and Witten made a breakthrough in supersymmetric gauge theories showing that monopoles become massless and condense causing confinement, as conjectured by 't Hooft and Mandelstam. We show that the condensation of monopole causes not only confinement but also flavor symmetry breaking in general. For certain cases, however, the monopole decompose into a baryonic composite of "magnetic quarks" and it is these quarks which condense, causing confinement and flavor symmetry breaking.

Authors:Giuseppe Carlino, Kenichi Konishi, Hitoshi Murayama
Proposed speaker: Hitoshi Murayama
Contact person:Hitoshi Murayama (University of California), murayama@lbl.gov

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: hep-th/0001036, published as JHEP 0002:004,2000


827. Dynamical consequences of topological terms in theories involving nonlinear sigma models

The issue of fractional spin imparted by a topological (Hopf) term when coupled to relativistic CP^1 model is reexamined in a gauge-independent manner to find that the fractional spin cannot be obtained unless the Hopf term is altered by a time-dependent identity. Similar analysis is performed for the gauged CP^1 model and fractional spin evaluated in two inequivalent physical sectors corresponding to two different gauge fixing conditions. For nonrelativistic CP^1 model which describes a ferromagnetic system the Hopf term modifies the spin algebra drastically and can have nontrivial consequences for quantum Hall systems where skyrmions may be present. We also show that the corresponding gauged model admits self-dual solitonic configurations provided a suitable triplet of background scalar fields is introduced.

Authors:B. Chakraborty, A. S. Majumdar, T. R. Govindarajan
Proposed speaker: B. Chakraborty
Contact person:Biswajit Chakraborty (S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences), biswajit@boson.bose.res.in

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: 1. B. Chakraborty and A. S. Majumdar, Phys. Rev. D 58, 125024 (1998) 2. B. Chakraborty and A. S. Majumdar, Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. A14, 1561 (1999). 3. B. Chakraborty and A. S. Majumdar, Phys. Rev. D 61, 027702 (2000) 4. B. Chakraborty and T. R. Govindarajan, Mod. Phys. Lett. A12, 619 (1997)

Notes:This is the second abstract submitted by me

828. Gravitational Lensing And Extra Dimensions

We study gravitational lensing and the bending of light in low energy scale ($M_S$) gravity theories with extra space-time dimensions $n$. We find a correction to the deflection angle with a strong quadratic dependence on the photon energy is introduced. Restricting the KK correction to the deflection angle for visible photons grazing the Sun to 15\% (The level at which Einstein's prediction is confirmed at grazing incidence) demands that the scale $M_S$ has to be larger than $1.4(2/(n-2))^{1/4}$ TeV for $n \ne 2$, and approximately 4 TeV for n=2.

Authors:Xiao-Gang He, Girish C. Joshi and Bruce H.J. McKellar
Proposed speaker: Bruce H.J. McKellar
Contact person:Bruce H J McKellar (University of Melbourne), mckellar@physics.unimelb.edu.au

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-17 Particle Physics and Cosmology

Supporting papers:


866. Perturbative Quantization of Gauge and Gravity Theories

Gauge and gravity theories can be perturbatively quantized using unitarity in D-dimensions. Applications of this idea to QCD and gravity are described. In particular, it can be used to investigate the ultraviolet behavior of (super) gravity theories. Non-trivial perturbative string theory relations between gravity and gauge theories are also discussed.

Authors:Z. Bern, L. Dixon, D. Dunbar, A. Grant, M. Perelstein, J. Rozowsky
Proposed speaker: Z Bern
Contact person:Zvi Bern (UCLA), bern@physics.ucla.edu

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: hep-th/9802162 hep-th/9809160 hep-th/9811140 hep-th/9904026 hep-th/9912033


903. Quantum gauge symmetry from classical gauge noninvariant action

The use of the mass term for the gauge field as a gauge fixing term in a large mass limit goes back to the non-linear gauge by Dirac in 1951 and Nambu in 1968. We have recently shown that this use of the mass term as a gauge fixing term is in fact identical at least in the perturbative accuracy to the conventional local Faddeev-Popov formula without taking a large mass limit, if one takes into account the variation of the gauge field along the entire gauge orbit. This suggests that the classical massive gauge theory, for example, and the gauge invariant theory, whose gauge symmetry is broken by a gauge fixing term, have no intrinsic differences in a suitably quantized theory. As for massive gauge particles, only the Higgs mechanics, where the mass term is gauge invariant, has an intrinsic meaning. We comment on possible implications of this observation.

Authors:K. Fujikawa and H. Terashima
Proposed speaker: K. Fujikawa
Contact person:Kazuo Fujikawa (University of Tokyo), fujikawa@phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: The above paper is posted as hep-th/0004190.

Notes:Invited by Appelquist and Konishi . 6/20/00 TY-updated abstract based on the request by Fujikawa.

917. Illusory are the conventional anomalies in the conformal-gauge two-dimensional quantum gravity

Exact solution in terms of Wightman functions is given to BRS-formulated conformal-gauge two-dimensional quantum gravity coupled with D massless scalar fields. The solution is seen to be free of various anomalies. Its anomalous feature appears only in B-field equation. Non-nilpotency of BRS charge (unless D=26) found by Kato and Ogawa is shown to have been caused by their elimination of B-field. Covariant perturbation theory and path- integral formalism are shown to yield misleading results (e.g., FP-ghost number current anomaly), owing to the fact that these approaches are based on T*-product (= covariantized T-product), which does not generally respect field equations.

Authors:Mitsuo Abe and Noboru Nakanishi
Proposed speaker: Noboru Nakanishi
Contact person:Noboru Nakanishi ( Street: 12-20 Asahigaoka-cho), nbr-nakanishi@msn.com

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory /

Supporting papers:


941. Exact Solutions of the SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs Theory

Some exact static solutions of the SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs Theory are presented. These solutions do not satisfy the first order Bogomol'nyi equations, and do not possess finite energy. They are axially symmetric and could possibly represent a monopole-antimonopole pair sitting on the z-axis.

Authors:Rosy Teh
Proposed speaker: Rosy Teh
Contact person:Rosy Chooi Gim TEH (Universiti Teknologi MARA (Penang Branch) ), rosyteh@penang.itm.edu.my

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-17 Particle Physics and Cosmology

Supporting papers:

Notes: (040)

1056. Multi-instanton contributions to gauge/string theory dynamics

I review recent multi-instanton calculations in supersymmetric gauge theories and their applications to the AdS/CFT correspondence, Seiberg-Witten models, and D-brane dynamics. I will also briefly discuss instanton and monopole contributions to condensates and superpotentials.

Authors:in various combinations: N. Dorey, T.J. Hollowood, V.V. Khoze and M.P. Mattis
Proposed speaker: V.V. Khoze
Contact person:Valentin V Khoze (University of Durham), valya.khoze@durham.ac.uk

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: hep-th/9901128, 9905209, 9905015, 9804009, ...



A general method has been developed to study the eigenvalue problem for an n dimensional Lax operator and to obtain N soliton solitons through inverse scattering method. The method has been developed with an example of a vector generalization of higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation (HNLS), where the m-component vector field may be interpreted as m interacting optical modes describing the dynamics of a charged field with m colors. Integrability of the dynamical equation is further established from various points of view, namely by showing the existence of infinite number of conserved charges and r-matrix. The quantization of the dynamical system is also addressed.

Authors:Abhijit Bora, sasanka Ghosh and Sudipta Nandy
Proposed speaker: Sasanka Ghosh
Contact person:Sasanka Ghosh (Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati), sasanka@iitg.ernet.in

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: Inverse Scattering Method and Vector Higher Order Nonlinear SchroDinger equation Sasanka Ghosh and Sudipta nandy, Nuclear Physics 561 B ,1999 pp 451 - 466

Notes:The abstract was submitted by E-mail, but was not in .proper format. This is the reason I am submitting the abstract ONCE AGAIN. I will be obliged, if this is considered for presentation in one of the suitable parallel sessions, although it is a little bit late submission.

1083. Spontaneous susy breaking in N=2 super Yang-Mills theory

From a supersymmetry covariant source extension of $N=2$ SYM we study non-trivial thermodynamical limits thereof. Extending arguments applying to the strong CP problem and the uniqueness of the ground state in QCD we find that the dependence of the effective potential on the defining field operators is severely restricted. In contrast to the solution by Seiberg and Witten a consistent infrared behavior exists for broken supersymmetry while the gauge symmetry remains unbroken.

Authors:L. Bergamin and P. Minkowski
Proposed speaker: P. Minkowski
Contact person:Peter Minkowski (Universitaet Bern), mink@itp.unibe.ch

Sessions: PA-15 Field Theory / PL-10 Recent Progress in Field Theory

Supporting papers: L. Bergamin and P. Minkowski, Dynamical Symmetry Breaking and Static Limits of Extended Super-Yang-Mills Theories: A non-Seiberg-Wittian Approach hep-th/0003097

Notes:This is a 'late' paper and I hope it can still be considered

End of abstracts for PA-15 Field Theory

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