The Opening Ceremony will take place before the parallel sessions on July 27, 2000 at 9:30 in the Main Hall of the Conference site. All participants are welcomed to attend the ceremony.
The following two social events are arranged for all the participants and accompanying persons free of charge.(1) " Bunraku - The traditional Japanese puppet play ". July 27 19:00-20:30
An Introduction to " Bunraku - The traditional Japanese puppet play ". With hundreds of years of history, ' Bunraku ' has reached a high level of sophistication. It takes three puppet players to handle each puppet! ( You can see a Bunraku-puppet on the poster of ICHEP2000. ) The art of Bunraku will make you believe the puppets are alive, dominating the stage, and you will be drawn into the world of Bunraku-puppets. In this evening, an introduction to Bunraku plays will be presented especially for you.
<NOTE> See the real Bunraku at the dedicated national theater.
This program is not a play, it is a chance to learn more about 'Bunraku'. Please try he real Bunraku play at the theater which is only 20 minutes walk from the conference site.
The full performance of Bunraku plays are presented on July 28 and July 30 at 'The National Bunraku Theater' with group discount tickets for the participants of ICHEP2000 and their accompanying persons. The detailed description about Bunraku and Programs at the Theater can be found below.
The persons who want to purchase the discount tickets are requested to apply via the web by June 10. Note that the deadline is earlier than other applications.
(2) "An evening of Japanese music". July 29 19:00-20:30
Hiroyuki KOINUMA, , Yumiko KANEKO and Mikio TSUJI will play Japanese music. KOINUMA and KANEKO are prominent Japanese flute( "Shinobue" and "Nokan" ) players and TSUJI is a prominent guitarist who plays a guitar with 11 strings. These three musicians often play together. Japanese music is somewhat different from Western music. The deviation from exact pitch and exact tempo is the main technique for its sophisticated expression. You will find the music very charming.
Four bus tours are planned by JTB as one day excursion. All prices include Lunch (except Tour 4 ) and Admissions. Note that a tour may be canceled if the number of participants is not sufficient.Please reserve your excursion tour via the JTB web site by yourself.
Fax form
If you cannot access to WWW, you may use this form. Fill in the form and fax it to JTB. Please visit JTB web page
Historical Tour Road of Nara is one of The World Heritage. Nara has the ancient route of Asuka and Ikaruga, the main routes of the Nara era consisting of Heijokyo, the route of Self-Discipline and Secluded Regions, and the old path route which is full of historic adventures.
A warrior, Hatsuemon, met and fell in love with a "yujo" (entertainer/prostitute
of old days), Kikuno, while he was entertained by a merchant, Nisabro.
Since then, he has been trying to get attention from Kikuno. When his retainer
tries to persuade Hatsuemon to forget about Kikuno by showing a letter
written by her, Hatsuemon neglects the letter although the letter made
it clear that Kikuno is a mistress of Nisabro and she thinks of Hatsuemon
as no-good idiot. However, when a ship passes by and Hatsuemon could hear
Nisabro and Kikuno loudly bad-mouthing about him, he became very angry.
At a "chaya" (Japanese style brothel) where Kikuno works, Hatsuemon
is having a farewell party with acquaintances. He gives the revealing letter
back to Nisabro and Kikuno, telling them that he can forget about the whole
thing and leaves the chaya. Relieved Nisabro goes upstairs to sleep, when
Omisu, Nisabro's acknowledged fiancee, came to see him. Kikuno sends Omisu
to the bed side of Nisabro by letting Omisu pretend to be Kikuno, to let
them get back together. Kikuno stays downstairs. Hatsuemon came back to
the chaya later, abuses and kills Kikuno. Then, Hatsuemon searches for
Nisabro, but he has already escaped. In the course, Hatsuemon kills everyone
in the chaya.
Afternoon programs on July 30 (starts at 14:00 )
PLAY 3: 'Kamakura Sandaiki'
Original story was about the war in Osaka, but Tokugawa Government considered it to be an insult to the family and prohibited the performance. Hence it was changed into a story of the war that took 300 years earlier. (Just like the case for the opera "Un Ballo in Maschera" by Verdi)PLAY 4: 'Kinuta and Daimonji'
A story of two beautiful sisters with lovely poems and dances in the play.Evening programs on July 30 (starts at 18:30 )
PLAY 5: 'Kunikotoba Kudoki Ondo '
See descriptions for the play on July 28.
14:00 - 15:40 for Group-1
14:50 - 16:40 for Group-2