ICHEP2000 Participants: B

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Babu, Kaladi S Oklahoma State University U.S.A.
Bamberger, Andreas University of Freiburg GERMANY
Bander, Myron University of California, Irvine U.S.A.
Banerjee, Swagato LAPP, Annecy. FRANCE
Barberio, Elisabetta CERN SWITZERLAND
Barker, Anthony R. University of Colorado, Boulder U.S.A.
Barker, Gary J. Universitaet Karlsruhe GERMANY
Barnett, Michael Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory U.S.A.
Baubillier, Michel LPNHE Paris VI-VII FRANCE
Baulieu, Laurent CNRS/LPTHE FRANCE
Baum, Guenter G. Universitaet Bielefeld GERMANY
Bay, Aurelio University of Lausanne SWITZERLAND
Beckers, Jules J.C. University of LIEGE BELGIUM
Beier, Eugene W. University of Pennsylvania U.S.A.
Bellazzini, Ronaldo INFN Pisa ITALY
Beneke, Martin RWTH Aachen GERMANY
Berger, Edmond L Argonne National Laboratory U.S.A.
Bern, Zvi UCLA U.S.A.
Bernabeu, Jose Universidad de Valencia SPAIN
Bernido, Christopher C. Central Visayan Institute PHILIPPINES
Bernreuther, Werner RWTH Aachen GERMANY
Bertolin, Alessandro ZEUS Experiment/Padova University ITALY
Bertolini, Stefano INFN and SISSA ITALY
Bertram, Iain A. Lancaster University U.K.
Bertrand, Daniel C Brussels Free University BELGIUM
Bethke, Siegfried MPI Munich GERMANY
Bettini, Alessandro Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso ITALY
Bhadra, Sampa York University CANADA
Bhatti, Anwar Ahmad Rockfeller University U.S.A.
Biebel, Otmar MPI for Physics, Munich GERMANY
Bigi, Ikaros I. University of Notre Dame U.S.A.
Bilei, Gianmario INFN Perugia ITALY
Blair, Grahame A Royal Holloway and Bedford New College U.K.
Blucher, Edward C. University of Chicago U.S.A.
Blumenfeld, Barry J Johns Hopkins University U.S.A.
Blusk, Steve R University of Rochester U.S.A.
Blyth, Simon Carnegie Mellon University SWITZERLAND
Boehrer, Armin Universitaet Siegen GERMANY
Bondar, Alexander E. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Bonneaud, Gerard R. Ecole Polytechnique Paris FRANCE
Bortoletto, Daniela Purdue University U.S.A.
Borzumati, Francesca M Sissa JAPAN
Boudjema, Fawzi Laboratoire d'Annecy le Vieux de Physique Theorique FRANCE
Boudreau, Joseph F. University of Pittsburgh U.S.A.
Bozek, Andrzej Andrzej Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow POLAND
Bozovic-Jelisavcic, Ivanka C VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences YUGOSLAVIA
Bozzi, Concezio INFN Sezione di Ferrara ITALY
Branchini, Paolo Sezione INFN Roma III ITALY
Brandt, Fernando T Universidade de Sao Paulo BRASIL
Branson, James G UC San Diego U.S.A.
Brau, James E. University of Oregon U.S.A.
Braunschweig, Wolfgang B. RWTH Aachen GERMANY
Briere, Roy A Carnegie Mellon University U.S.A.
Brofferio, Chiara Sezione INFN Milano e Universita' di Milano-Bicocca ITALY
Brook, Nick Bristol University U.K.
Browder, Thomas E. University of Hawaii U.S.A.
Brown, David N Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory U.S.A.
Bruel, Philippe LPNHE-Ecole Polytechnique FRANCE
Bruni, Graziano Sezione INFN Bologna ITALY
Burchat, Patricia R. Stanford University U.S.A.
Burgess, Cliff P McGill University CANADA
Burrows, Philip N Oxford University U.K.
Butler, Joel N Fermilab U.S.A.
Butterworth, Jonathan M University College London U.K.

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Updated Wed Aug 16 16:47:53 2000 by Taku Yamanaka